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Demodex Mite


Demodex mite

Demodex mites are tiny parasitic creatures present on the skin surface and in hair follicles of animals and human beings. This mite can live in the hair follicle of all warm-blooded animals. Normally they do not cause any symptoms, but when the immune system is suppressed they produce rash, itching and other symptoms on the skin surface. A healthy individual would normally show no signs or symptoms of the Demodex mite. But such as in old age or illness, this suitable situation will allow the mite to reproduce very fast.Demodex is also referred to as facial mites.


Demodicosis is a name given to the condition where there is an unrestricted growth of mites

Among the 65 species of Demodex, only two are found in human hair follicle and skin.

They are Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. Demodex mites generally habitat on the face and near the eyelashes.

Demodex is also referred to as facial mites. Demodex brevis generally resides in oil gland while Demodex folliculorum is present in the hair follicle. Demodex mites can live in any condition and in any climate. They are therefore found throughout the world where mammals reside.
Kleen Green naturally Enzymes can be used as a daily face wash to remove the mites from the suface of the skin or when you feel the crawling and tickling around the eyes ,nose and mouth areas. Because the mites hide deep in the pores  upto 20 mites in each pore. They can be transfered to other parts of the body and private areas. Some elderly people can have between 50% to 90% of their body covered in demodex mites by the age of 70 years old depending on their life style.

Demodex mites hate the light, so they emerge at night, mating on an opening of the hair follicle of your eyelashes. They like to lay their eggs either on the sebaceous glands or in your eyebrow or eyelash hair follicles. Within 4 days, these eggs hatch into 6-legged larvae.

After 7 days, these larvae will turn into full-grown adult mites, ready to mate and continue the infestation cycle.
The demodex mite lifespan is usually 2 to 3 weeks.

The Connection Between Skin Disorders, Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease

Before discussing any type of remedy for the demodex mite, it’s important to recognize that the root cause of most chronic skin disorders is immune system malfunction. The buzz surrounding demodex cures is quickly taking a backseat to a more recent craze; gluten free living. An ever growing number of people are discovering that the elimination of bread and pasta is all it takes to improve acne, rosacea  and chronic boils within weeks (and sometimes days). Psoriasis and eczema also respond well to a gluten free diet, though not as quickly. A gluten intolerant individual cannot digest the protein found in wheat, barley or rye. Over time, the small intestines become damaged, and toxins are pushed out through the skin. To complicate matters, Demodex mites feed upon dietary yeast. Yeast feeds upon carbohydrates and sugars. The old saying “you are what you eat” is particularly relevant here. A simple blood test from your doctor can establish gluten intolerance, a condition known as Celiac Disease. Even individuals without Celiac Disease can experience skin complications from consuming too much sugar, gluten and yeast. Only a medical doctor can help you decide if you should limit dietary triggers or avoid them completely.

Note- Many essential oils have antiseptic and skin softening qualities, but that doesn’t mean they are superior parasite killers.


FOR BALDNESS OR THINNING HAIR:  Hair loss associated with ringworm or demodex mites may be treated with Dr. Ben’s Paws & Claws or Dr. Ben’s Evictor. Both products are organic and safe for humans and animals. For a strong treatment, soak your scalp with Dr. Ben’s Paws & Claws, paying special attention to the hairline.  Apply a swimmer’s cap and leave in place for an hour.

NOTE:  The demodex mite is just one common factor associated with hair thinning and hair loss. Both men and women can experience hair loss that is caused by aging, genes or hormonal changes. Thinning hair can also be caused by telogen effluvium, a condition triggered by a sudden emotional or physical stress. Other causes may include certain medications, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disease, radiation therapy and excessive dandruff. Before using this or any other hair loss remedy, consult a medical doctor to determine the root cause of your hair loss.

TREATMENT OF DOGS WITH MANGE:  Spray dogs with a light mist of Dr. Ben’s Evictor or Dr. Ben’s Paws & Claws. (Both are the same formula. The Evictor is sold in gallon sized containers for total home treatment.) Pay special attention to skin folds and leg pits of infected animals. Avoid the face and eyes. Do not rinse. Mange caused by demodex mites may be passed to nursing offspring, but it’s usually not contagious to other dogs in the home, as long as the dogs are healthy with strong immune systems. Mange caused by sarcoptic or cheyletiella mites is HIGHLY contagious. Dogs infected with either of these mites should be quarantined from other animals until they can be treated. Spray animals, carpets, couches and bedding with Dr. Ben’s Evictor or Dr. Ben’s Paws & Claws. Repeat the treatment daily until all signs of mange are gone. For bath time use KG wash and go shampoo or Pips dog/cat shampoo.

HOME TREATMENT: Home treatment is not necessary for the human demodex mite. Most individuals who come in contact with these mites will experience no symptoms at all, but people with compromised immune systems may experience random skin irritations. To prevent the spread of human demodex mites between people, change pillowcases frequently, don’t share hairbrushes or cosmetic utensils, wash towels in Borax and sterilize phones with Kleen Green spray. To prevent the spread of demodex canis to people, it’s very important to mist couches, bedding and carpets with Dr. Bens Evictor or Dr. Ben's Paws & Claws. Dog mange caused by demodex mites is not considered to be highly contagious to humans with strong immune systems, but mange caused by sarcoptic or cheyletiella mites is extremely contagious to all humans. When passed to humans, sarcoptic mites may cause mosquito like bumps or a full blown scabies infestation of the skin. Cheyletiella mites can cause itchy rashes and remain on human skin for extended periods.



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